The Origin Story Of Mapping The Human Genome

MetaParadigm Wealth Management |

The Human Genome Project carries personal significance to me, as the situation with my daughter’s health changed our family’s lives in 2016. I gained a fuller appreciation for the critical role of genomics and gene research in the world of healthcare. I believe the advances in science over the next 5-10 years may dramatically improve my daughter’s life.  In my opinion, the Genomic Revolution is just beginning, and the medical field has only begun to tap the potential of what can be accomplished by understanding our genetic makeup. Roughly 99.9% of human DNA is identical for every single human, (1) but the seemingly tiny variation accounts for everything that makes each of us unique. Our DNA contains the answers to desperately sought questions about how to treat various diseases and ailments.

History Of Gene Mapping

The Human Genome Project, considered by many to be one of the greatest scientific undertakings of our generation, sought to construct a complete map of human DNA. The project was completed two years early with a lower cost than expected ($2.7 billion of a projected $3 billion). (2) Research began in 1990, and the final draft of the completed human genome was published in 2003. (3) The effort was both collaborative and intensely competitive, involving government agencies, universities, and private institutions from six different countries. (4) Thanks to the work of the researchers, we now have the ability to identify genetic predispositions, risk factors, and potentially life-saving treatments for countless conditions.

The Declining Cost Of Genetic Testing

Fast-forwarding to modern day, we are just now beginning to enjoy the benefits of the earlier research on the human genome. We now have the ability to more accurately identify risk of conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, personalize treatment based on genetic code, develop more specialized drug formulations, and reach diagnoses more quickly. The cost of gene mapping has dropped drastically since the early days of genomic research, following Moore’s Law. As with any rapidly advancing technology, the benefits become more widely accessible as early-stage research and development costs diminish and market competition spurs efficiency. From September 2001 to August 2020, the cost of mapping a human genome fell from $95 million to $689. (5) The implications are staggering, especially when one considers the relative infancy of genomics as a budding field.

Investing In Biotechnology

Given the deep and personal impact of genomic research on my family, I have a personal passion for investing in the field, and we believe the biotechnology sector offers excellent long-term value and growth. In many ways, the biotech industry is in a state similar to that of the computer industry in the 1980s. We will likely see advancements in medicine and health that no one could have imagined even 10 or 20 years ago. I encourage clients to create an investing strategy and to think about how their money can make a positive impact on the world while also providing a financial foundation for retirement.

If you would like to discuss how I can help you work toward building a more secure financial future for your family, give me a call at (929) 314-5224 or submit an inquiry via the online contact form. I look forward to getting to know you.

About Sal

Salvatore Picciallo is the Founder and CEO of MetaParadigm Wealth Management.  He is dedicated to helping clients simplify their financial lives and build a financial plan that gets them closer to their goals. With 19 years of experience in private banking and wealth management, Sal serves affluent self-employed professionals, executives, business owners, and those in the medical profession. Because of his personal experience of raising a daughter with medical challenges, Sal also specializes in offering financial planning services and solutions for families in similar situations. That is why he is passionate about providing opportunities for his clients to invest in disruptive technologies, the genomic revolution, and the future of medicine.  He invented the concept of utilizing your family’s genetic results as another data point that may influence your investment decisions and complement a unique legacy planning strategy.Salvatore has a bachelor’s degree in communication from Boston College and spent a handful of years working on Wall Street before switching to private wealth management almost two decades ago. He started his own firm to strengthen and elevate the services he provides so his clients can experience confidence and work toward achieving a secure financial future. When he’s not working, Sal loves to spend time with friends and family, cook, travel, play golf, and dive into the world of future technology and advancements in health sciences. To learn more about Sal, connect with him on LinkedIn.





