A Financial Advisor's Journey Into Biohacking: Insights and Inspirations

Salvatore Picciallo |

Ever had a gut feeling that you needed to meet someone or attend a specific event because it felt like the path you were meant to take? That's exactly how I felt about attending David Asprey’s BioHacking Conference. After years of poring over medical journals and exploring cutting-edge therapies to help my daughter Mia heal, my entire perspective on health changed. This led me to expand my practice to incorporate health metrics into my clients' financial plans. The conference seemed like a must-attend event to connect with individuals with the same passions and pursuits in not only business, but their personal lives. A year after my first inquiry, my team and I finally made it to the conference in Dallas, Texas, a few weeks ago.

The conference brings together leading figures in the biohacking movement, all dedicated to helping people safely live longer, healthier lives. Talks and exhibits feature a wide range of methods to achieve longevity, from red light therapies and stem cells to hyperbaric oxygen and nootropics. Attendees are keen to integrate these innovative practices and products into their routines to boost daily performance and overall well-being.

While many exhibitors showcased tangible products including those supporting brain enhancement, quantum energy, and superior nutrition, MetaParadigm focused on promoting our services: biotech investing, private healthcare management, and the integration of health and wealth management. Unlike other offerings, attendees couldn't touch or taste what we were presenting. Understanding our value requires an open mind. However, I was confident that our unique approach would resonate with those who took the time to hear our message.

Our exhibit transformed into the MetaParadigm Pod, where attendees could become guests on our podcast. They shared their stories about what led them to the conference, why longevity became a focus in their lives, and details about their products and services. To my delight, people loved the opportunity to share their experiences. Some spoke with us for nearly an hour, and by the last day of the conference, there was a line outside our booth of people waiting to join us.

Over three days, I was inspired by countless stories of individuals who dared to think differently and took charge of their health to heal and enhance their lives. One remarkable example is John Ramptom, CEO of Calendar, who was told he would never walk again following a devastating construction site accident. Through extensive research, he arranged for a groundbreaking stem cell procedure that merged his own stem cells with those of a lamb. Fast forward two decades, he is not only walking again, but thriving and leading a highly successful company.

We had the privilege to have many distinguished guests join us on the podcast including: Dr. Brandon Crawford, a brilliant functional neurologist and founder of 528 Innovation & NeuroSolution. After our discussion, I’ve already booked an appointment to bring Mia to see him this summer for a weeklong intensive therapy that will incorporate his proprietary lasers. 

Steven Marler, the leader at Advanced Longevity, highlighted the importance of early detection of disease, so you can make informed decisions about your health. (I'm actively encouraging my parents to schedule a comprehensive screening at his facility.)

Dr. Neil Riordan, founder of Riordan Technologies and the Stemcell Institute in Panama, joined us for a meaningful reunion. We first met him when Mia received treatment at his facility in 2019, making it a poignant full-circle moment to hear him share his journey in stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine.

During the flight back, the team reflected on the key insights gained from the conference, which include:

  • We have the ability to take control of our health by utilizing the advancements in products and services available. 
  • By integrating robust financial planning, individuals focused on wellness can aim to achieve both health and financial well-being, making specialized therapies accessible and longevity more affordable. 
  • The human spirit, when confronted with daunting obstacles, can not only endure, but also flourish with the promise of healing through cutting-edge approaches.